How does a Christian view of mental health compare and contrast with a secular perspective? Are we in a mental health crisis today? And how do we...
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Flourishing in Ministry
Coaching ministry leaders into Daily Wellbeing,
Resilience, Thriving, and Authenticity.
What is Flourishing in Ministry?
A resource from Biola University’s Rosemead School of Psychology
Flourishing in Ministry is an initiative that puts the spotlight on the wellbeing of clergy and their loved ones. Our research delves into the factors that drive pastors and priests to devote themselves to their vocation, as well as the challenges that impede their ability to flourish in their roles. We investigate how these clergy members, who often operate under constrained resources, can pour their hearts into their work while still experiencing personal fulfillment and continuous growth.

Get a Coach
Are you a ministry leader struggling to find balance between your work and personal life? Do you want to flourish in all areas of your life? Check out our coaching program specifically designed for ministry leaders like you. Our expert coaches will work with you to develop personalized strategies to help you achieve your goals and become the best version of yourself. “Get a Coach” today and experience the transformation you’ve been waiting for.
LEARN MOREBecome a Coach
Looking to make a real difference in the world of ministry? Become a certified coach with Flourishing in Ministry, the premier coach certification program for spiritual formation and well-being of ministry leaders. Our world-class faculty instructors and unique training focus on coaching ministry leaders to reach their full potential, fostering deep community and meaningful connections. With highly experiential training that includes coaching skill practice, demos, live sessions, and mentor coaching, our program is designed to elevate your coaching skills to new heights. What’s more, Flourishing in Ministry is an ICF-certified trainer, providing research-based core coaching competencies and everything you need to prepare for ICF certification.
Join our cohort, based on over 10 years of scientific research with over 20,000 ministry leaders, and experience the transformational power of Flourishing in Ministry.

Why We Coach
“Our research indicates that it is possible for ministry leaders to flourish when they intentionally cultivate their own Christian formation and key relationships. If you are feeling stuck, alone, burned out, or simply want to take your personal formation and leadership to the next level, Flourishing in Ministry Coaching is for you.”

A Biblical View of Mental Health
Coaching for Emotional Intelligence
Daniel Goleman's Emotional Intelligence Theory ModelResearch shows 85% of your success in work, no matter how intelligent or skilled you are, is...
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Pastor Pause
Serving as a pastor is one of, if not the, most difficult tasks on earth. We are never "off" and slowing down seems almost impossible. However, it...
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